Two New Fetter Choral Pieces

Here are sound files of two new choral pieces with words and music by David Fetter, kindly recorded in 2019 by the Chums Chorus of Baltimore:

Charity, Clarity and Truth

Sweet Beauty

Here are the song texts, also by DF:

Clarity, Charity and Truth

Clarity, charity and truth,
Open eyes, open heart, open mind.
Accuracy, integrity, reality,
Open eyes, open heart, open mind.
Clarity, charity and truth.

Sweet Beauty

Sweet Beauty, see how we sustain thee.

We use you, bloat, twist you, coat you,
we mimic you, we intone you, we appropriate you.
sweet Beauty, how will you survive us?

When earth unplugs and data dumps,
when neutrons bomb and seas engulf,
when cyber slips and beta blips and hacks attack
and all our bytes are blown light quick among the galaxies.
When black maw of sun sucks in the universe,
Sweet Beauty, how will you abide?

Thinner than air…
Fear not fair friends, your fate is yours alone.
Black holes cannot consume me.
I float pale, above and beyond, untouchable, eternal.
I am everywhere, I surround you, thinner than air.
Fret not, your passing will sadden me, I will remember you.
Thinner than air…